Not everybody who gets COVID 19 has symptoms

Being a house maker is one of the most thankless jobs in the world. Long working hours without any payday is the job profile of a housemaker mom. Amaze her with a spa hamper, apparel, smartphone, kitchen appliances, and so on. Not everybody who gets COVID 19 has symptoms, and not all symptomatic patients get equally sick. Hospitalization rates have stabilized in hard hit areas like northern Italy and New York City, but if the next wave is even bigger and more destructive one of three scenarios envisioned by University of Minnesota epidemiologist Michael Osterholm and his colleagues that „would absolutely take the health system down,” Osterholm told Stat News. Two studies released last week offer tools that might help hospitals better triage patients.Researchers in China reported in the journal Nature Machine Learning that an analysis of blood samples taken from 485 coronavirus patients in Wuhan discovered there biomarkers that can predict whether a coronavirus patient will die within 10 days, with more than 90 percent accuracy, reports.

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